I’m fairly opinionated about my music in general but I’m just under the line where I refuse to accept that I’ve been wrong in my opinions, so here is a list of musical things I was wrong about. Feel free to gloat if you were always right.

1. Animal Collective aren’t as bad as I first assumed. In fact, ‘My Girls’ is really rather excellent (apart from the bit before the drums kick in, that’s still quite stale). Which is annoying.

Animal Collective – My Girls (YSI)

2. Esser’s album wasn’t all that great. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the first few songs I heard, but since my somewhat exuberant response to the album’s release, I have to say I’ve retracted my love for it somewhat. It’s just… fine.

Esser – I Love You (YSI)

3. Noah and the Whale’s new, more full sound could, at times, not be painfully dull.

Noah and the Whale – Love Of An Orchestra (YSI)